Monday, December 31, 2012
The Eiffel Tower, is a tower of wrought iron, 324 meters of height situated in Paris, at the extremity northwest of the park of Champ-de-Mars in border of the Seine in the 7th precinct. Constructed by Gustave Eiffel and his collaborators for the world fair of Paris of 1889, it was initially named "tower of 300 meters", this monument became the symbol of the French capital, and a first plan tourist site : it is the second more visited cultural site in France in 2011, with 7,1 millions visitors of which 75% of strangers.
Of an origin height of 312 meters, the Eiffel tower remained the most elevated monument of the world during 41 years. The second level of the third floor, named sometimes the fourth floor, situated at 279,11 m, is the highest accessible platform of observation to the European union public and the highest of Europe.
According to an Italian survey of 2012, which valued the price of the most famous monuments of Europe, the Tower Eiffel would be worth 434 billions of euros, far before the Colosseum (91 billions of euros) and the Sagrada Família (90 billions of euros).
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